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Welcome To The Minke Whale Project

Dwarf minke whales visit the northern Great Barrier Reef each austral winter, forming the only known predictable aggregation of these whales in the world. Growing up to eight metres and weighing several tonnes, they are exceptionally inquisitive and often approach boats, divers and snorkelers closely, sometimes interacting for extended periods.

The Minke Whale Project

The MWP (based at James Cook University, North Queensland Australia) conducts multi-disciplinary research into dwarf minke whale biology and behaviour, the social and economic values of the whales and the sustainable management of swim-with-whales tourism. The MWP research team works collaboratively with the GBR swim-with-minke whales tourism industry, Reef managers and wildlife conservation NGOs.

Swimming-with-whales endorsed operators

Tourism operators must have an endorsement from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority to conduct swims with dwarf minke whales in the GBR. For a list of current swim-with-whales endorsed operators, please visit the GBRMPA Website for the activity ‘swimming with dwarf minke whales’.

Support the MWP

The Minke Whale Project Fund is a non-profit research fund set up by James Cook University to support research into dwarf minke whale biology, behaviour and sustainable tourism interactions. Donations can be tax deductible for Australian residents. Click here to find out more or to make a donation and become a Friend of the Minke Whale Project.

Join our Facebook group

Our Friends of the Minke Whale Project Facebook group provides a friendly forum for sharing minke whale-related news articles, photos, stories and updates from the minke whale season. All are welcome to join!

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